
Average score 363 Reviews
Cam Elia noted on Google

Est ce restau a fermé ? (Translated by Google) Has this restaurant closed?

13 days ago
Chi Salinas Sung noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It was my first time tasting sushi and I am very satisfied with the experience! All the varieties of sushi we ordered were of excellent quality and the presentation of each dish made us want to eat it all the more. The place was quite full, which is a good sign, but for the same reason, we had to sit at one of the tables in the middle of the aisle and it was a bit cramped for us and the workers passing to other parts of the restaurant with more dishes. (Original) Era la meua primera vegada tastant sushi i estic molt satisfet amb l’experiència! Totes les varietats de sushi que vam demanar tenien una qualitat excel·lent i amb la presentació de cada plat donaven encara més ganes de menjar-s’ho tot. El lloc estava bastant ple, i això és un bon senyal, però pel mateix motiu, vam haver d’asseure’ns en una de les taules en mig del passadís i era un poc estret per a nosaltres i els treballadors que passaven a altres parts del restaurant amb més plats.

1 month ago
Amy Onechanh noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good discovery, everything is fresh and delicious, rather quick service and the menu is very varied. The rolls are really delicious 😋 (Original) Très bonne découverte, tout est frais et délicieux, service plutôt rapide et la carte est très variée. Les rolls sont vraiment succulents 😋

3 months ago
Anastasia J noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Friendly place, with good, well presented dishes. (Original) Endroit sympathique, avec de bon plats bien présentés.

3 months ago
Claire Sun noted on Google

(Translated by Google) This Japanese restaurant was excellent, an authentic dining experience with a warm atmosphere. The sushi was fresh and delicious, and the hot dishes were well balanced in flavors. The service was attentive and fast. Overall, it was a very enjoyable dining experience that I would highly recommend! (Original) Ce restaurant japonais était excellent,une expérience culinaire authentique avec une ambiance chaleureuse. Les sushis étaient frais et délicieux, et les plats chauds étaient bien équilibrés en saveurs. Le service était attentionné et rapide. Dans l’ensemble, c’était une expérience gastronomique très agréable que je recommanderais vivement !

3 months ago
Coco noted on Google

3 months ago
Tatiana Nasrallah noted on Google

Recommend it !!

3 months ago
Faly-Thomas Langlois noted on Google

3 months ago
kelly noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good restaurant! The atmosphere is not bad and the dishes are delicious. There’s something for everyone. Don’t hesitate to come and eat with your friends and family! (Original) Très bon restaurant ! L’ambiance est pas mal et les plats sont délicieux. Chacun y trouve son compte. N’hésitez surtout pas à venir manger avec vos amis et votre famille !

3 months ago
猛女修狗 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Exquisite presentation, fresh ingredients and endless aftertaste (Original) Présentation exquise, ingrédients frais et arrière-goût sans fin

3 months ago

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